We are highlighting and growing work rooted in the following principles and practices:

  • Bioregionalism: supporting regional solidarity economies, reflective of local ecologies and governing at the scale of watersheds, energy-sheds,
    and foodsheds.
  • Commoning: collective practices for stewarding resources for the benefit of an entire community over a single individual’s profit.

  • Corporate producer accountability: holding industry accountable to creating durable, repairable, non-toxic products and reducing supply chain emissions.
  • Cultural repair: remembering, reclaiming, and bringing forward ancestral and earth-based wisdom and appropriate technologies

  • Ecocultural Stewardship over Consumer Materialism: Enabling and expanding opportunities for eco-cultural land and resource stewardship

  • Relational well-being: Realigning municipal economic drivers toward life-affirming values, such as community well-being, not GDP

  • Targeted Universalism, centering frontline communities, including Black, Indigenous and low-income communities, with tailored programs or interventions, while aspiring toward universal goals for all.

  • Urban to Rural Connections: Supporting urban to ruralconnections, not divides.

Sign-on to our campaign to protect and invest in Freedmen’s Settlements:

In partnership with the Chisholm Legacy Project, we are working in solidarity with Freedom Settlements across the country for their recognition, protection, investment, and resilience. Here is a short video entitled "Freedmen Settlements: A Story of Community Resilience" with some deeper context on the history. We invite you to sign on to this federal petition to pass the federal Freedmen’s Settlement Resolution.